A Recent Gem of Class Insight



I was recently reading a back issue of Entrepreneur Magazine (Oct 2011: "To B-school or not to B-school?")  talking about the virtues of whether or not to go to business school  and I just have to share my synopsis.  The article pit the college professor against the recent MBA grad to answer a volley of questions.  It should come as no surprise that the professor's retorts of the questions posed were of a glowing nature in favor of getting the MBA, while the student, at every turn, did not agree (rather strongly I might add).  But the gem, I found, came in the final response of the grad who stated:

" I would still pursue my MBA knowing what I know now.  The people that I met and the networks that I have established because of my MBA made it worth it."

Wow!  Just proves the point that school and course work are less important than the people that you meet and the ties that you develop.  Think about this one as the new year starts.  Strive to break out of your shell even more. Meet and grow some new relationships, no school required.

Matt Nelson