H3-027 - HVAC Theory about Heat Transfer
After an unexpected trip and a hectic holiday season I present the final episode of the year. In this episode I wanted to talk about the basics of HVAC Heat Transfer. I talk about Conduction, Convection, and Radiation, the three modes of heat transfer in a easy to understand format. I accomplish this partly by using the analogy of the four natural elements. Don't get it? Just listen it should make sense. Also while I was recording this episode I had the phone ring which I managed to edit out but it is not perfect. If you can be the first to identify where in the recording you hear it I will give you a mention in a future episode. Lastly, if you enjoy this episode pass it along to others. Or if you have comments and suggestions pass them along to me as well. Here's to a great new year, Thanks to everyone for listening. - Matt